Wednesday, April 24, 2024




Syria - For What It's Worth

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Syria - For What It's Worth
“Something's happening here,
what it is ain't exactly clear.
There's a man with a gun over there,
a telling me I got to beware.
We better stop now.
What's that sound?
Everybody look. What's goin' down?”

- For What It's Worth, Steven Sills of Buffalo Springfield
in November, 1966 (

For What It's Worth, I offer a few personal observations about the Syria deal.

If you kind of relax, you know half close your eyes, and just listen to the Senate hearings, the speakers begin to morph into used car salesmen wearing cheap suits: low balling, then high balling, leaving out details, and asking ”How can I earn your business today?”

Just hoping for another home run. (A home run in car sales jargon refers to a customer that just lies down and accepts any deal or full price.)

Its a sales pitch Americans aren't buying; the epitome of spin and the opposite of truth as all wars are. Maybe the rulers are running out of steam as they resort to a sales pitch approach for yet another war for profit.

The American people are so sick (and tired!) of a rich man's war that even the some of the military object.

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Could that be a strange, bright light we see at the end of this particular tunnel - or is it a rabbit hole?

Now it seems like those darn old weapons of mass destruction (which never existed in Iraq) have ... well … backfired in this newest and latest attempt at a “righteous war.”


Not since the Vietnam war has there been this level of reasonable and respectable protests.


Now, most of us are asking straight questions and demanding truth. We clearly detect the spin and know when we are being oversold.

For a long time, we believed in the images projected to us by our leaders. We thought we were looking through a telescope when it was only … a kaleidoscope, a child's toy using mirrors and colored glass to produce a reflection that is ever-changing and not real.

We now question external authority. From my vantage point, we just might be making a difference.

Public opinion via social media channels and in person protest outside the Rose Garden of the White House itself and inside the Senate hearings are notable.

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We want evidence this time. CSI-type evidence! Not just films of victims repeatedly being shown to to us - in order to ignite an emotional response.

We want to talk about alternatives - daring alternatives like offering aid instead of Tomahawk missiles which conservative Newt Gingrich called the “Equivalent of sending a tweet inside a guided warhead.”

Exciting days we live in. but some of us have viewed the future and can tell you - it is a bright one. Just you wait.

Knowing how monitored our communications are even for ordinary citizens like me, I thought about not writing on this topic.

Yet I agree with David Crosby.

“I'm not giving in an inch to fear, because I promised myself this year, and I feel – I feel - like I almost owe it to someone. I feel like letting my freak flag fly.” -I Almost Cut My Hair – Crosby, Stills and Nash 1966. (

Posted in: Spirituality, Inner Guidance, News, Motivational, Self-Improvement, Tallkat | Tags: Syria , For What It's Worth , Buffalo Springfield , Crosby Stills and Nash , John Kerry , Vietnam , Car Salesmen , Navy , kaleidoscope , Social Media , Future View , war , Tallkat , Best Medium | Comments (0) | View Count: (2885)

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Copyright 2013 by Karen "Tallkat" Conley