Wednesday, March 12, 2025





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Grace was gone.

Our one year old, comical and lovable Bassador was nowhere to be seen.
We live in the high mountains of northern New Mexico with rough terrain, deep arroyos, rocky formations, mesas, and cliffs densely covered with pine, pinion and cedar trees. Mountain lions, coyotes, bobcats, bears, rattlesnakes and hawks live here. The territory is not safe for a young pup who had never been alone outdoors.
I called for help and neighbors offered to look for her. Our little search party then took off in different directions.
Spiraling images flooded my mind as I hiked alone over steep hills and big rocks.

The what-might-happen kind of thoughts no pet lover wants to have.

I happen to make my living as an intuitive consultant. NOW would be a great time to use my so called amazing and incredible skill, wouldn’t it?
I tried. I tried again. I waited. No information, no nothing. Not even a hint.
I cleared my mind once more. Still nothing.


The viewing screen in my head which I needed, and needed right now was just a blank.
When our search team met up later, no one had seen her.
Not until I completely exhausted myself with searching, hiking, calling, crying, what iffing, blaming myself, imagining the worst, and worrying, was I finally able to be physically and mentally still. I gave up. Standing in the middle of our vegetable garden with spinach, beets and squashes at my feet I realized I was out of ideas, and seemingly, intuition.
I surrendered, turning my face up to the clear blue New Mexico sky. So quiet. As only natural and wild locations are. A raven coasted above me. Wind chimes sounded. I could hear the breeze moving through the forest like a lullaby, a sound that I love.
Communities of nuthatches and finches chirped and sang in the trees nearby. I began to slowly align with the rhythm of nature around me which always brings a peaceful perspective.
Now. “Where is Grace?” I asked. The mental screen appeared. This time there was a clear picture on it.
Except it could NOT be right. Could it?!
I was clearly seeing a location I never expected: THE INSIDE OF MY CLOSET!


I was so frightened and upset about our puppy being lost in the woods when she had never even left the house!
I must not have seen her when I looked inside the house. She likes to hide behind the closet door. I know this, but I was so anxious that I didn’t see her and closed the door of the closet.
So much for my great and fantastic psychic supernatural powers.
The Lesson? We can get in our own way when we go after guidance or attempt to connect with Source.

Why and how does it happen?

Strong human emotions, negative or positive, are sort of a static interference in some instances.
When we are seeking creative input about a matter we consider urgent we may get carried away or push too hard. We want to hear what we want to hear and we want to hear it N-O-W.

Can you hear me now?!

Communication of this type simply cannot be forced.
But if the request is urgent shouldn’t we request emphatically? Maybe large red letters saying URGENT? Isn’t there a spiritual sounding keyword or something?
Our request need not be loud or even serious in order to get the attention of whoever is taking spiritual 911 calls that day. Keep it simple, clear and heartfelt. Be honest. Be real. Be...patient.
Our emotions can block reception. You may assume you were not “heard” when you were simply tangled up in yourself.
Panic, desperation or giddy excitement- the frequency of your emotion creates a dropped call. The line goes down or the signal is weak.
In most cases, when you are grounded and trusting, willing to hear whatever is offered to you, the response comes easily.
Guidance comes from a source where things are beautifully neutral, weirdly impartial, and unconditionally constructive in the most wonderful way. It often comes within unexpected highly creative packets of information.

I have received answers, ideas, or new understanding from black and white Turner Classic Movies, of all things!

There was a line in an old gangster movie “Kid, the only thing you deserve is a break.” I received it when I needed it. I shared it with a client living in a domestic abuse situation. She burst into tears because it went right to her soul. She found the courage to leave.
Great line, isn’t it?
Ideas, suggestions, and answers show up like puzzle pieces. A metaphor in a novel, an advertising jingle, a conversation at work, or the punchline from a joke just might be your answer presented in a creative way to get your attention.
Don't look too hard for it or call everything a synchronicity, however. Let it unfold and trust it will happen.
After the end of my “terrifying” divorce I thought I was fine until I was in a traffic accident. I had a whiplash injury that made my neck and shoulder so stiff I could hardly move without pain.
My chiropractor, whose conversational patter is the same with all patients, remarked, “Your body is locked in a defensive position.”
He meant the effects of the accident on my muscles and skeletal structure, but I heard the words go into my soul.
I knew it exactly what it meant. It was all right to let go of my divorce defense posture. It was over and it was done. I had forgotten to move on and just be happy.

I had forgotten to be happy! Yet I was not aware of this.

For some reason I was able to accept the message easily in this round about way. No need for my white knuckle grip. I would be OK.
Replies from Source are unlimited in presentation style and specially designed for YOU. It will have the ring of truth so you’ll know it.
Why not open your mind and prepare for a new way of receiving and a new style of delivery?
I will share a personal story that explains this two way connection.
I learned a lot from guy from Chicago named Charlie. One day I just knew he was moving on to his next gig, whatever that might be, and I had a certain feeling it would be out of my current zip code.
I said “You're not coming back. Are you?” He responded ”Oh, you know how to reach me! Just call me up, like on the telephone.”
One day I thought about his suggestion. So I called after meditating, like he said. Ring, Ring ...
I clearly heard inside my head, a recorded phone message: “Hello. This is Charlie. I am not available to take your call at this time. Please leave a message.”
My lip trembled. Tears were coming because he said I could call.
Then it happened. Loud booming laughter from Charlie followed. “Now you know how we on the other side feel when we try to reach you.”

I met him after his physical departure from this world so this was an inter-dimensional two-way phone call.

If you doubt this story is true, trust your vibes and ask Sonia Choquette when you see her. I trained with her and later, she was a guest on my radio show.
During the show, I shared the Charlie story with her. She was a student of his when she was just sixteen. He met up with me on his own from the other side.
Sonia said, “Oh, I can hear him laughing right now!”
She waved her arms like a sinner at the alter of a Baptist church with a gospel choir!
I often share this story when I speak.

It just goes to show ya'.

You never know how, when or from where your guidance, your teaching or your Grace may come. Usually when you least expect it.
Ponder that for a while.

Might as well decide to embrace the mystery, right?

Posted in: Spirituality, Inner Guidance, Intuition, Motivational, Self-Improvement, Tallkat, Love | Tags: | Comments (0) | View Count: (2622)

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Copyright 2013 by Karen "Tallkat" Conley