Tuesday, October 22, 2024



Archive by category: SpiritualityReturn
How empowering is it to know that there are effective and simple ways to elevate the energy of your environment - whenever you want to? No need to hire a swami, a rabbi, priest, shaman or medicine man because you can do this yourself.
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Posted in: Spirituality, Inner Guidance, Motivational, Self-Improvement, Tallkat | Tags: space clearing , spirituality , self-improvementm , Poltergeist , energy , harrison ford , Harry Potter , Batman , Shazam , Holy Water , presscription , motivational , tallkat | Comments (0) | View Count: (3528)

God Makes A Way No Matter What

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God Makes A Way No Matter What
“Isn't it funny that at Christmas something in you gets so lonely for I don't know what exactly, but it is something you don't mind not having at other times.” Kate Bosher Holiday festivities have built in power. Happiness and joy? Yes. Also the power to stir the pot, make waves, get us riled up over the small stuff, pushing buttons we may not be aware of until after it happens. You know what I mean.
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Posted in: Spirituality, Inner Guidance, Motivational, Self-Improvement, Tallkat, Holidays, Love | Tags: Christmas , self-improvement , family , A Christmas Carol , Dr.Seuss , Erma Bombeck , Miss Minnie , prayer , Sunday dinner , presents , Christian , Santa Claus , Kingdom of God , Quantum Field , God , spirituality , Holidays , Tallkat , Motivational , love | Comments (0) | View Count: (1912)

The Trouble with Thanks Giving

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The Trouble with Thanks Giving
“This Thanksgiving cherish the time spent with your family as a reminder of why you moved very,very far away from your family.” It isn't that I don't like the Thanksgiving holiday. It seems to me that we goal oriented Americans get caught up in social materialistic perfection and presentation to the point that we often lose touch with the main theme which is all about - giving thanks. Oh, the tension and stress I felt when as a young bride, I offered to prepare The Thanksgiving Turk...
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Posted in: Spirituality, Inner Guidance, Motivational, Self-Improvement, Tallkat, Holidays, Love | Tags: Thanksgiving , gratitude , Holidays , Turkey , Affirmations , children , black cat , Cooking , Lucille Ball | Comments (0) | View Count: (1613)
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Copyright 2013 by Karen "Tallkat" Conley